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Stocks fuelling the Internet of Things

Stocks fuelling the Internet of Things

10.95k followers7 symbols Watchlist by The Motley Fool

The next wave of the Internet is already underway – here are seven companies poised to power this digital revolution.

Curated by The Motley Fool


The Internet is undeniably the most important innovation in recent history – it has enabled an open exchange of information and ideas, created a new age in commerce and brought together people across the globe. But the Internet's connective capabilities don't end with people. The next wave of the Internet is already underway, and it is taking devices and putting them on the grid. This ‘Internet of Things’ is taking everyday items and enabling them to communicate with each other, leading to real-time analytics, more efficient operations and predictive capabilities. Of course, we need sensors, communication infrastructure and software solutions to collect, communicate and decipher it all. All told, some experts think IoT will have an annual economic impact of over £4.6 billion by 2025. Here are seven companies that are poised to power this digital revolution.

How did we choose these stocks?

Each of these Internet of Things-related stocks is an active recommendation of a Motley Fool premium investing service as of 31/8/2016.

Who made these selections?

The Motley Fool is dedicated to helping the world invest – better. Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, mutual funds and premium investing services.

How are these weighted?

This watchlist consists of equally weighted stocks.


WatchlistChange today1-month return1-year returnTotal return
Stocks fuelling the Internet of Things+1.16%---

7 symbols

SymbolCompany nameLast priceChange% changeMarket timeVolumeAvg vol (3-month)Market cap
CSCOCisco Systems, Inc.49.8+0.19+0.38%4:00 pm GMT-48.85M19.58M198.74B
SWKSSkyworks Solutions, Inc.102.47+2.03+2.02%4:00 pm GMT-41.33M2.46M16.37B
UAUnder Armour, Inc.7.24+0.35+5.08%4:00 pm GMT-43.92M3.00M3.22B
AMBAAmbarella, Inc.53.42+0.59+1.12%4:00 pm GMT-4435.13k694.50k2.20B
NXPNuveen Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio15.11+0.10+0.68%4:00 pm GMT-462.92k85.36k724.34M